About NUS

Welcome to the NU Scholarship Program, an initiative of the Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) to provide higher education opportunities for Nahdliyin residents throughout Indonesia. Founded on the values ??of justice, equality and opportunity, this program is an important milestone in strengthening NU's role in advancing education in the second century.

NU Scholarship is a means for PBNU to ensure that Nahdliyin residents have equal and fair access to higher education. By focusing on the NU community, this program not only opens doors of opportunity for talented individuals among the Nahdliyin, but also helps build a solid foundation for the intellectual and social advancement of the NU community as a whole.

Through support from various partners and donors, NU Scholarship has provided financial assistance and mentoring to thousands of Nahdliyin residents who have extraordinary potential in various fields of study in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM). Thus, this program not only changes individual lives, but also makes a real contribution to empowering the Nahdliyin community at large.

We invite all talented and dedicated Nahdliyin residents to join the NU Scholarship and be part of the journey towards a brighter future. Let's together build a superior generation who will become future leaders, making a positive impact on NU, Indonesia and the world.

Thank you for your interest and participation in the NU Scholarship Program.