PBNU Lakpesdam Officially Launches NU Scholarship Program
  04 Januari 2024     06:14

The Institute for Human Resources Studies and Development of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (Lakpesdam PBNU) launched the NU Scholarship, a scholarship program for young NU cadres on the 8th Floor of the PBNU Building, Jalan Kramat Raya 164, Central Jakarta, Monday (20/11/2023).

The beating of tambourines by the General Chair of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf, Chair of PBNU H Ulil Abshar Abdalla, Chair of the National Zakat Amil Agency (Baznas RI) Noor Achmad, and Chair of the Distribution and Utilization Division of Baznas RI Saidah Sakwan marked the official launch of the NU Scholarship. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Also Read NU Scholarship Offers Language Upgrading and Assistance for Studying Abroad. PBNU General Chair KH Yahya Cholil Staquf congratulated the launch of the NU Scholarship program.

He hopes that this scholarship program will continue, be meaningful, and can be present in a more real, more significant, and more strategic manner in assisting people to win the future. "PBNU has indeed made human resource development one of PBNU's main agendas. "Some time ago we announced the tagline for the PBNU agenda during the 2023 National Conference of Ulama Scholars (Munas) and the 2023 NU Grand Conference (Konbes), namely accompanying the people to win the future," he said.

Gus Yahya explained, to win the future, developing human resources is a key strategy that must be implemented, one of which is through scholarships. He hopes that the NU Scholarship program launched by Lakpesdam can explore more widely, both opportunities and problems surrounding scholarships. Also Read: Lakpesdam PBNU Opens NU Scholarship Program, Starting with Scholarship Talk Webinar Series "Hopefully the recipients of this scholarship are serious, this is something to remember. "Don't let the benefits you receive while studying be used for things that are not a problem for your religion, people, nation and state," he advised.

Meanwhile, PBNU Chairman H Ulil Abshar Abdalla revealed that the initiative to hold a scholarship program for NU friends and cadres who would study abroad had been planned about two years ago, when the PBNU Lakpesdam held a National Working Meeting. "But for one reason or another, it could be implemented about four months ago with long stages, including selection of participants who receive this scholarship," he said.