06 Desember 2023
The Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board through the Ma'arif PBNU Educational Institution (LP) is opening scholarship opportunities for NU cadres who will continue their studies at superior universities. The Higher Education Entrance Guidance Scholarship Program is a collaboration between PBNU and the Indonesian National Zakat Amil Agency (Baznas).
This scholarship is intended for school/madrasah students who wish to continue their education to higher education. Scholarship recipients will later be given preparatory guidance to enter superior universities.
Prospective scholarship applicants can register by filling in the Baznas-PBNU scholarship registration data online by clicking on the following form: PBNU-Baznas scholarship registration form. The terms and conditions of this scholarship program are as follows: 1. Students/graduates of schools/madrasahs affiliated with the LP Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama educational unit 2. Nahdlatul Ulama cadres of the Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association or Nahdlatul Ulama Women's Student Association (IPNU/IPPNU). 3. Obtain a letter of recommendation from the principal/madrasah or local LP Ma'arif NU 4. Students graduating in 2022, 2023, and 2024 5. SNBT participants in 2023 can take part 6. Commitment to continue to superior tertiary institutions. Also Read: UNU Blitar Prepares Scholarships for Outstanding Students 7. Have a National Student Identification Number (NISN) 8. Have a SNPMB 2024 account 9. Register via the link When filling out the form, applicants will be asked to fill in data, including: 1. Full name 2. Place, date of birth 3. Address according to KTP 4. NIK 5. Family card number 6. Active WhatsApp number 7. Email address 8. Domicile information 9. Class and specialization 10. Year of graduation 11. NISN 12. School of origin 13. NPSN 14. Origin of the leadership of the IPNU-IPPNU Commissariat 15. Three destination campuses 16. Three preferred majors (D3/D4/S1) 17. Parents' names 18. Parents' occupations 19. Parents' average monthly income 20. Personal social media accounts (Facebook, IG, or X).
For complete information regarding the PBNU-Baznas RI scholarship program, prospective scholarship applicants can contact the contact person: Bukhori Zein 081283576003 or Nurma Nengsi 081343670076.